ERASMUS+ "Riding the Rainbow to a Better Future" 



We would like to thank the European commission for the opportunity to carry out this project. We would also like  to express gratefulness to  our National agencies, the Heads of each of our Institutes, the businesses and NGOs we worked with,  our colleagues,  the many people in our communities who supported and worked with us and lastly to our students. We hope you’ve learnt skills that will help you to continue your education and make better decisions in and for your future . 

"The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."



This partnership was started under the Erasmus+ KA2 : Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices in  the field of Strategic Partnerships for school education. Our main objective was to introduce our students to the world of entrepreneurship and professions through simple everyday topics. We wanted to exchange and develop  teaching skills that meet modern day demands and to help our students develop 21st century dexterities.


We believe we have succeeded in achieving most of our aims and goals.  It was not easy. Most of our students were 12-13 years old when this project began. It was difficult for them to completely understand financial and economic terms. After three years of hard work for them, for our colleagues and for ourselves we deem to have met the challenge.  


The worksheets we have created can be used as a course, as units or individually, especially for project work. They each deal with simple topics in everyday. Although at first glance it may seem that they are not connected, they were all used and developed to lead students to a basic knowledge of how they can use these everyday topics to start a business.  These topics were colour coded into modules thusly:

 Red for our identity and characteristics, to teach tolerance and cooperation

Orange for food and  eating habits in today’s world

Yellow   for entertainment units

Green for natural and man-made environment

Blue for education, pedagogical development &, use of ITC in the classrooms.

Indigo for Leisure activities such as sports, games and music.

Violet for Myths and legends

We hope that by sharing them, other educators will find them useful. For more of our worksheets you can visit



Participating Institutions:

3 Gymnasio Kalamatas , Kalamata Greece

Menderes Ortaokulu, Istanbul, Turkey

I.C.S.Gabriele D'Annunzio (Motta S.Anastasia - CT) Sicily, Italy

Tallinna Pae Gümnaasium, Tallinn, Estonia

Scoala Gimnaziala ''Lucian Blaga" Farcasa, Farcasa, Romania

Silales Dariaus ir Gireno progimnazija, Silales, Lithuania

Publiczne Gimnazjum w Tarnogrodzie, Tarnogrod, Poland




This book represents some of the hard work of seen institutions and numerous teachers united in a  partnership created under the  Erasmus+ KA2  Strategic Partnerships for school education. We hope the sharing of these lesson plans and worksheets will be useful to other teachers around Europe.

English Version           Polish Version



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ERASMUS+ "Riding the Rainbow to a Better Future"  TARNOGRÓD 2017